Category: The Hutt City Council Small Business Award
Finalists: GoFi8ure
GoFi8ure adds to the Hutt Valley economy. GoFi8ure indirectly adds to the economy of the Hutt Valley by supporting local businesses to do what they do best. By providing robust financial services, local businesses can grow and develop, knowing they are fiscally compliant and well-managed.
GoFi8ure is reducing the stress of its clients.
One of the biggest issues GoFi8ure sees in their work is business owners who let the finances get away on them. One quick ‘warrant of fitness finance check’ from GoFi8ure will often set them on the right path, ensure they are meeting their tax obligations and begin to develop systems that are realistic for their business.
GoFi8ure’s ethos is to CARE; Commitment, Attitude, Respect and Excellence.
Lisa’s position as a small business owner also sees her in a unique position to provide advice.
“I have known Lisa Martin through business for the last eighteen months. I love meeting
with Lisa – she is a warm positive person with high expectations and standards.
I have seen how much effort and enthusiasm she puts into her business and I have been
extremely impressed with the marketing of her business. GoFi8ure have recently joined as
Silver partners to the Hutt Chamber of Commerce and I am sure this partnership will be
beneficial to all concerned. I wish her every success in this nomination.”
Anna Geremia
Membership Manager
Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce