Financial Warrant of Finance
It is often not until a sudden illness, leave of absence, or a death in the family occurs, that problems in your business finances are uncovered.
Emergency cover is required meaning other staff get involved and hey presto “what the…” comes up in an embarrassing, shocking and sometimes soul destroying way – what has been going on in my business?! Perhaps you have had some staff changes and are not confident about the state of your accounts? Getting a Warrant of Finance with GoFi8ure will provide you with the real state of your accounts so you can make better informed decisions.
Get a GoFi8ure WOF for peace of mind
One way of restoring ‘peace of mind’ in this area is a worksite assessment and review of your ledger by GoFi8ure. Consider it a “Warrant of Fitness” in your business risk management plan. You review your insurances annually, so why not do the same with your accounts?
One of our qualified, certified GoFi8urines will get in there and review the accounting ledger, files, IRD filings, paper management, and coding, along with reporting to management. We look at the processes and systems used to see if there are any areas that are not working that well. As part of your WOF you will receive an in-depth breakdown of our diagnosis so your accounts can be brought up to date and start working as they should be.
Unsure if you need a Financial WOF?
Download our FREE Financial WOF guide.
It asks the questions you should know the answers to. If you don’t, you’re in need of a WOF!
Time to take control of your business
If you cannot get answers to the above, you need GoFi8ure! If this feels like it might end up being an uncomfortable conversation, then you have lost control of your role as a business owner. Talk to us now about organizing a GoFi8ure Warrant of Fitness on your ledger, and we can reconcile the file, get you back on top, prepare a report, and put you in touch with the experts who can help with the tough conversations!
You don’t know what you don’t know, because you won’t know that you don’t know it! So make sure you take the time to find out how your accounts are functioning. If you want to find out more about how your books are really doing, seek out peace of mind with GoFi8ure by contacting us today.