Excellence in Business
It is very easy to get comfortable with just being good in the business world. Being good at what you do means all is well – things are moving the way they are supposed to, and everything is under control. The financial equivalent of this, known as “treading water”, does not equate to success but rather, stagnation. In business, just as in nature, it is always better to be proactive then reactive when striving for excellence. By focusing on constantly pushing yourself and your business to be in a constant state of growth, both yourself and the company you lead will be constantly evolving and improving ahead of your competitors.
Here are some thoughts to keep in mind for yourself and your business as you strive for business excellence:
1. Realise that there is always room for improvement
It is very easy to say “I’m good” and leave it at that. Google is famed for saying “We are Always in Beta”, and Business Insider once published an article “Always Be in Beta or You’ll Never Learn Anything New”. The article mentions the value of learning, as learning keeps stagnation at bay. It also states, “in the early stages of learning a new subject, people feel as though they have nothing to lose, which makes them more likely to accept failure as part of the process.” This mentality will enable you as a business owner to add more power and range to your skill set, as well as become more comfortable with the risk that comes with learning curves.
2. Do not get too comfortable
Ignorance is bliss, but it is also dangerous, which is exactly what getting comfortable in the business world defines as. While you are sitting back being comfortable, others are advancing, strategising and closing in on any distance you have put between yourself and your competition. Strive to stay relevant and vigilant, and remember that success is not a destination, but rather a goal which constantly evolves and manifests with the company’s growth itself. Think of your business as an athlete; there is no such thing as a comfortable and effective workout.
3. Do not give your clients a reason to go elsewhere
We are all human, and sometimes mistakes are made. However, there is no reason why you cannot apologise, provide feedback and agree on a solution to fix these mistakes with your clients to retain their business, and look for ways to improve. At the very least, you should make sure that you are doing a better job than your competitors. Even if you feel you are already doing this, it is worth asking yourself a couple of times a year, “if a competing company opened tomorrow, would I have any reason to be worried?”
If you would like to talk to GoFi8ure about how we can make your business more excellent ">send us an email.