As an employer you can’t always prevent fraud but you can minimise the chance of such incidents occurring – similar to malaria tablets, they won’t stop you getting it, but reduce the symptoms considerably if you do! Get on top of your business, don’t bury your head in the sand, watch the cash controls and internal checks and balance system, vigilantly follow through on procedures, lead by example and when you feel that something is not quite right, trust your gut instincts and investigate immediately.
At GoFi8ure our proven methodology of best practice bookkeeping, where checks and balances are tested weekly, gives business owners peace of mind that systems are adhered to and their investment is being reconciled by a third party professional organisation.
If you want to find out more about how your accounts are really doing; our Warrant of Finance (WOF) service will help you find out what areas need improvement and to be more efficient. To book your WOF contact us: .